3AED-IHEDN sera présente lors d’Eurosatory 2022, le mondial de la défense et de la sécurité qui se tiendra du 13 au 17 juin.

À cette occasion, retrouvez-nous pour la table ronde :

Climate change:
which Challenges for Defense Industry in Europe?

Mercredi 15 juin 2022
de 16h00 à 17h00
Parc des Expositions de Paris Nord Villepinte

Animation de la table ronde par
Valérie Bertheau,
présidente de 3AED-IHEDN

Avec la participation de :

Alain Alexis,
Advisor DG Defence & Space, European Commission
Christian Jacques,
Director of Innovation, Arquus Defense
Bruno Delacourte,
Marketing & Product Policy Director, Thales
François Reptin,
DGA / Project Engineering / Eco-design expert

Inscription préalable obligatoire
(aucun badge d’entrée ne sera délivré sur place)

Covid Pandemic focused public attention on their domestic resilience and the unexpected weakness of globalized supply chain. In addition, the rise of high intensity conflicts throughout the world together with the use of hybrid weapons seems to blur the perception of a peaceful future for an increased part of population.
However, Climate change concerns and sustainable finance regulations still have a growing impact on security issues.
Therefore, under which condition could climate change be an opportunity for the Defense Industry?
During the panel, the following topics will be addressed:
  • What are the implications of climate change for your company and institution?
  • What are challenges for defense industry in Europe when applying eco-design principles?
  • In the new regulatory context (international, European, national..), which impact for the future of European defense industry?

La conférence se tiendra en anglais.

Retrouvez le programme des conférences d’Eurosatory ici.